Judge Heath Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2PD

02085 734427




The Hillingdon local offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers. It allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them.


Here are some helpful links and contacts, that will provide you with information & support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Centre for ADHD and Autism Support

Parent and Carer Support

Television House, Field End Road, Eastcote, Middlesex, HA4 9XA

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) team


Civic Centre, High Street, UB8 1UW

Arts for Life Project

Activities for Children with Additional Needs

Arts for Life Project, Forge House, Forge Lane (off Hallowell Road), Northwood, HA6 1DP

Telephone: 020 8064 0822

Email: enquiries@artsforlifeproject.org

Website: https://artsforlifeproject.org/

Triple P Positive Parenting Program

Parent and Carer Support

Hyperactive Children's Support Group

Parent and Carer Support

Telephone: 01243 539966

Email: hacsg@hacsg.org.uk

Website: https://hacsg.org.uk/

Mind Hillingdon

Health and Wellbeing

Hillingdon Mind Uxbridge Wellbeing Hub, Uxbridge Wellbeing Hub, 40 New Windsor Street, Uxbridge, UB8 2TU

Telephone: 01895 271559

Email: mind@hillingdonmind.org.uk

Website: http://hillingdonmind.org.uk

Reading books 
• This site show a number of popular books with linked activities for parents to do at home. For example, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, with suggested sentence completion activity, playing ‘at the shops’, making fruit with playdoh, and talking about healthy vs unhealthy food.
• This site also has videos where parents and children can ‘watch’ the story if they do not have the listed books at home.
• Parents can book search by age:
http://www.lovemybooks.co.uk/0-3-years http://www.lovemybooks.co.uk/3-5-years
• Parents can search by category e.g. ‘dinosaurs’, or ‘space’ if their child has a special interest.

• ‘sign of the week’ https://wetalkmakaton.org/
• ‘sign of the week’ sent via email
• Can be accessed online.
• Video available, and sign and symbol demonstrated.
• The Speech and Language Therapists at I CAN’s Dawn House school are sharing a Makaton story or song every day – find them each day by following I CAN’s twitter feed https://twitter.com/ICANcharity
View the first story here (Goldilocks and the Three Bears) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B97488JKQHM&feature=youtu.be
• Singing Hands (Facebook, youtube & Website: https://singinghands.co.uk/) They’re currently running daily sessions teaching Makaton signs. Some of these sessions are free for all to access. They also have lots of videos for signed stories, songs etc available on their youtube channel.
• BBC ‘getting started with Makaton’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/joinin/something-special-getting-started-with-makaton

Attention Autism – Gina Davis
• Lots of ideas and videos demonstrating Attention Autism program across different stages.
• There are also videos in Greek, Polish, Lithuanian and Spanish.

Intensive Interaction – Dave Hewett
• How intensive interaction helps people with ASD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjKxu6QKjAo
• Who is intensive interaction for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx2Oc62BeNc