Judge Heath Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2PD

02085 734427




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Create good habits

  • It builds in young children the idea that getting up and going to a setting is simply what you do.
  • Children who attend every booked session develop a feel for the rhythm of the week and gain a sense of security from some regular elements, even when the actual pattern or focus of their learning or activity may vary widely from week to week.

Build secure relationships.

  • Young children find it easier to build and sustain a range of social relationships when they regularly attend their childcare setting. Regular attendance helps to develop secure attachments within the setting with peers & staff.


  • Children who rarely miss sessions at an early years setting and come on time are more likely to feel good about themselves. This is because they know what goes on and what to expect, feel more confident with the adults and the other children and have more opportunities to be valued and praised for their own special contribution.
  • Children who regularly miss sessions or are generally late, can frequently experience a sense of having to try a little bit harder just to understand what is going on and what other children are talking about or doing.
  • Regular attendance, on time, helps many young children to separate from their parents or carers at the start of the day and settle more
    readily into daily life in their setting. 

Learning and Development.

  • Children who rarely miss sessions and come on time are more likely to progress and develop further in the areas of learning.
  • Staff carefully plan every session for each child in their care and want to take every opportunity to help them thrive. Experiences gained in one session are often developed further in the next session, whether or not these are consecutive days.
  • Children learn in many different ways through play with others and through being in the company of staff who actively support their learning and development.
  • Underachievement is often linked to lower attendance. For some older students this is linked to a steadily deteriorating trend in attendance which is traceable right back to their Early Years setting.


Develop a partnership with your child's teachers and school staff. Meet them, communicate with them, and learn what the school offers. Ask questions if you are unsure or need further guidance.

Get involved with the school. Join as a parent Governor, or participate in school events and programs. Give feedback and share ideas you may have.


Reading with your child is very important, some of the benefits include;

  • Supports cognitive development
  • Improves language skills
  • Prepares for academic success
  • Develops a special bond with your child
  • Increases concentration and discipline
  • Improves imagination and creativity
  • Cultivates a lifelong love of reading

Everyday learning AT HOME

Learning doesn’t have to be obvious. There are lots of fun, educational and cheap activities that can be done in the home that also teaches children lots of skills.

Below are some fairly standard activities that your child can learn from if you get them involved. As the exercises are fun, for many they will be so engrossed in it, they will not realise they are learning! Which is often the best way.


Most children, of all ages, enjoy baking or cooking. Creative skills are used in the planning of the dishes and reading and maths are used to read the recipe and measure out the ingredients. 

Patience again is required to wait for things to cook or for cakes to rise and then cool pre icing. Cooking instils a respect for process and inspires self confidence. It’s also a fun and empowering thing for children to do with you.


Gardening teaches responsibility, patience and kindness, as tending and caring to young plants and even slugs involves kind hands. Children also learn about science and biology, understanding what elements are required to help plants grow. The size of the garden is irrelevant, the growing is the important bit, so this can be done on a windowsill or on a large allotment. Whichever you can do. The benefits are the same.

If you grow vegetables, gardening can also encourage healthy eating, as learning to grow food encourages children to eat it. Plus gardening involves all the senses, and is a great calming activity for the brain, as it induces feelings of mindfulness. In addition the time you spend together in the garden (or on your balcony/​other space if you don’t have a garden) will be important for their self worth and self confidence.


Going shopping and learning how to add up and subtract prices is a great and effective way to support maths skills. Plus there are other skills learned such as communication and prioritisation plus navigation, let your child help you in a meaningful way. Could they be tasked with asking a Shop Assistant  ​where the bananas are?’ for instance, to improve confidence and listening skills. As a bonus for you, you may find the shopping will be less stressful, if your children are actively engaged!