Judge Heath Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2PD

02085 734427




 Accessibility_Plan (2023).pdfDownload
 Admissions Policy for Centre Sept 2021.pdfDownload
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Admissions into the Nursery Class:

Most three year olds are able to enjoy three terms of nursery education at McMillan.

Children attend every morning or afternoon for five days of the week, or in certain circumstances the equivalent of 5 sessions a week.

Children are admitted strictly according to age. There are exceptions when extenuating circumstances exist.

Within our criteria for admissions we ensure that children are admitted to McMillan regardless of race, religion, colour, gender, background and/or ability

If demand for places exceeds capacity we use the following Local Authority guidelines to admit children. Consideration is given to:

  • The distance between the child’s home and school, measured in a straight line
  • A child who already has a brother or sister currently in the nursery


30 Hour Funded places

Working parents accessing a part-time educational place at our Centre may be eligible for an additional 15 hours of care if spaces are available. Parents will be required to provide us with a 30 hour funding code issued by HMRC. For more information regarding 30 hours funding please click here.



2 Year Old Classroom

We have 16 part-time two year olds in the morning and afternoon. These places are available to children who receive the 2 year old funding. These places are offered to any eligible families using the same criteria as in our admissions policy. For more information regarding 2 year old funding please click here.



Please complete our enquiry form on the link below:





Contact Sara in the office on 0208 573 4427, or a member of the Office team will take your details and place you on our waiting list.

 EMAIL - info@mcmillanecc.org.uk

Please send the following information to the email above.

Childs Name & Childs D/O/B

Parents Name & Contact Number

Home Address


Sessions you require - e.g. AM session / PM session /Additional hours

You can make an appointment to view the Nursery with Sara on 02085 734427


A member of the office team will take your details and place you on our waiting list. You may also book an appointment to view the Nursery setting if you wish.