Are you concerned about a child?
Talk to our safeguarding lead or one of our safeguarding officers. You will be given advice on what to do next. You will be asked to make a factual record of your concern. You will be asked to include the day, date, time and other witnesses, your concern and signature.
Alternatively you can contact Hillingdon social care on:
01895 250111
More information can be found on the NSPCC website -
The pants rule - teaching children about personal safety -
If you are suffering from Domestic Abuse, and your child is a witness to this, this may effect your child's behaviour or wellbeing. Should you wish to seek any help on this matter, the link below will give you access to this service. You will be able to speak in confidence with a professional.
Sometimes families have times of difficulty and may need some additional support. The Early help assessment is a way of providing some additional help to families in need.
The EHA is there to help you and the information you supply will only be passed on with your consent. If you consent, it means that you should not have to keep supplying the same information to different professionals and helps those professionals work together to help you. For more information, please email our TAF Co-ordinator at or call 01895 556144.
Private fostering refers to any child under the age of 16 (under 18, if disabled) who is being cared for outside their natural family for longer than 28 days. If this arrangement is in place, this needs to be reported to the local authority to make sure that the child is being cared for properly. When we become aware of such an arrangement it is our duty to inform the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Should parents be aware of a child in this situation or would like to know more about private fostering, please use the link below.
See DfE statutory guidance Children Act 1989 Private fostering for comprehensive guidance on private fostering.
Stronger Families Hub Is a single point of contact for all safeguarding referrals and an online route to refer a child to Social Care. Please see the Stronger families flyer below for more information.