Judge Heath Lane, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2PD

02085 734427




Bucket Play
Bucket Play
Flour Play (Attention Builder)
Flour Play (Attention Builder)

What is Attention Hillingdon...

The intervention was put in place to better equip setting based practitioners to meet the needs of young children with a diagnosis of ASD or with social communication difficulties. Attention Hillingdon is an exciting and innovative project currently running within nurseries, playgroups and children's centres within the borough.

The intervention supports the development of attention and listening skills and promotes the development of social communication skills.

An overview of The Attention HillingdonProgramme

Stage 1 The bucket - Focus
Stage 2 The attention builder – Sustain
Stage 3 The interactive game - Shift
Stage 4 The table activities –transition

Run over  a period of 8 weeks